Being a newly engaged lady, I have thought about many wedding details - cake, venue, guest list, dinner, drinks, dancing, "i do", something borrowed, old, new and blue. But what happens after the wedding and dreamy honeymoon? Who will do the dishes? Who is going to take on the mountains of laundry? What about the dust bunnies that aggressively reproduce on the baseboards? Is he/she clean? Does he/she notice when something is out of place? Then I started to think about other engaged friends and newlyweds. Have they thought about their fiance or spouse and their
habits qualities they bring to the relationship table?
Below are random questions I came up with to test your knowledge on the little things about your significant other. In the end, it's the little things...right? Have fun with it. If you're feeling a little competitive you and your other can fill these out and compare answers to see who gets the most right about each other!
1. How does your other feel about eating in bed?
_____Great! He/She would do it every meal if they could.
_____Only for a "just because" romantic breakfast
_____Too messy to even contemplate
2. What nicknames has your other gone by, from childhood on?
3. Which of your relatives does your other like the best?
_____Sibling: which one?_____________________________
_____Grandparent: which one?_________________________
_____Aunt/Uncle: which one?__________________________
4. Do they have a favorite color? If so, what is it?
5. How does your other get dressed?
_____top to bottom (bra, undershirt, etc)
_____bottom to top (undies/boxers, socks, pants, etc)
6. What artist is playing in your other's car?
7. Is there an athlete, movie/tv star or someone else famous your other would like to meet? Who?
8. How many children does your other want? Any names yet?
9.You bake your other a dessert for their birthday. What is it?
10. Where was your first kiss? Who initiated it?
11. What is your other's shoe size?
12. What was your other's first job?
13. In what city was your other born?
14. How does your other take their eggs?
_____Sunny side up
_____Egg white only
_____Other (is there another way?)