Not to mention, I've been obsessed with ikat patterns for a while now so I might have just been waiting for the perfect color/pattern combination. The simplicity of this particular pattern and it's orange-red color were perfect for, not only a pop of color, but the zing I was looking to add in my eating space.
I purchased one yard and went about my day. A couple days later, I was anxious to get measuring, cutting, folding, stapling and changing the drab tan fabric and that's when it hit me. I was short fabric. So back to the fabric store I go. Another shot of anxiousness and away we went--with a little help from my mom.
Cut. Fold. Unfold because it's creasing. Fold. Hold. Staple. Repeat.
LindsFYI: My next dining room project is going to be a little more researching and time consuming, but I promise to post when I get started or completed, or both. It's going to be huge, people and I can't wait!
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