Friday, September 30, 2011


About a year ago, I went to New Orleans for the first time. Unfortunately, it was for work and I didn't get much play time, but I managed to drop by a couple shops on Magazine Street. I walked into a little shop and immediately fell in L-O-V-E with this fur stool. I even think my mouth dropped and I might have drooled slightly. But I was slapped back to reality when I saw the price tag. $700 WHAT?!
Recently, I went back to New Orleans, again for work. (Note to self: book a trip to New Orleans for FUN!) And guess what?... The stool was still there and not on sale. Upsetting.

I don't have a cool table to place this stool under yet. And, well, I don't have $700 to drop on a stool so I decided to make my own. I found these two little stools at a local antique store. Two is better than one, right? And I found this fur at First Monday in Canton, Texas. All my supplies totaled a mere $80.
I simply marked the fur on the hide side about an inch wider than the stool seat template. And I took my trusty staple gun and fired away!
After I finished both seats, I screwed them back in and wa-la!
I am blown away. I am in love with them and the best part...I still have enough fur left to make a good, large size pillow! I can't wait to make that next. I saved $620. Got two stools and eventually a pillow. Whoa.

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

fall's debut and tv premiers

I adore the season that is fall. It is by far my favorite time of the year! And this year, I've already got high expectations for fall.

The first official day of fall is actually on September 23rd this year, but the first signs of fall in my book are cooler weather and new season premiers of my favorite TV shows and some new shows that I am sure to fall in love with too!

On my must see list, you'll find:


this day is reserved for COLLEGE FOOTBALL!!

Now there are many new shows coming out this season that I'm going to try and hope that if I like them, they don't get canceled after a couple episodes or one season. Crossing fingers now for...

Now, after posting all these shows, it appears that I have no life other than work and my nightly date with the couch and remote but thanks to DVR, I do have a life and this fills up my down time during the week or on rainy days.

Welcome back, fall. I'm going to really enjoy you this year!

Monday, August 22, 2011

spreading hope

Today, I want to tell you about one of my Kappa Delta pledge sisters and a recent Tulsa transplant. Amanda and I first met while auditioning and practing many late hours for "Freshman Follies" and from then on we have remained friends. We went our separate ways after school but those ways eventually found us both in Tulsa--for me it's back in Tulsa, as this is my hometown.

Recently, I found out that Amanda was diagnosed with stage two breast cancer. She is 25 years young! And this just shows that breast cancer doesn't know age, race or even gender. It has no boundaries. Despite the scary diagnosis and all that comes with it, Amanda has held her head high and says, "I realize this is just another chapter in my life and I'm hoping to end it quickly!" Her spirit is awesome and inspiring.

Another Kappa Delta sister, Christina, formed a Race for the Cure team for the Tulsa race on September 17th. I participate in this event every year because I enjoy running and that this particular event is focused around and supports women’s health. However, this year I’m more emotionally involved. Those of us who live in or around Tulsa will be participating on race day, including Kappa Delta's, friends and family. If you are in Tulsa or will be visiting the area, feel free to join our team (Amanda's Team).

Now...I don't really like asking for money, but this is a good cause and hits close to home so I'm willing to do what it takes!

Collectively, we are asking for donations to not only support Amanda and our team's fundraising, but to help with this fight against breast cancer as a whole. To make a donation to me or our team, please click here.

We have also designed a t-shirt and tank top for race day fun and if you’d like to purchase one, you can click here. Each t-shirt or tank top purchased donates $5.00 to Amanda’s Team. We will deliver/ship them to you when they are printed. Whatever it takes to get them to you!

By making a donation to me or the team or by purchasing a t-shirt, you are supporting local breast cancer screening, treatment, education and outreach that will lead us to a world without breast cancer.

My personal goal is to raise at least $150.00 before race day, but donations are accepted until October 15th. Will you help me get there? Your donations are tax deductible, too!

Thanks and love to all of you!

P.S. If you want to pass this on to other friends and family that might be willing to help our fight, it would be greatly appreciated.

Thursday, August 11, 2011

working from home

I have dreams of one day working from home and I find myself admiring wonderful and dreamy workspaces. I need a space that will be cluttered with the right things and something that will give me continual inspiration and motivation.
I love that I can put everything away at the end of the day with these secretaries. The storage space is great for a busy working girl's stuff.
The bold green color and the ever-present leopard just melt my heart. I could walk into the "office" everyday and smile because I'd be surrounded by my favorite and leopard!
Simple and rustic. Just like me.
I'm all about teamwork. Two heads are better than one, right? The bench instead of the traditonal chair feels inviting and roomy.
(all the above images are via Pintrest)
Now, this desk. Whoa! That's all I have. This is it. My dream desk! 
I don't know where I found this one, but it's just been stored on my phone.

Monday, August 8, 2011

jungle fever

As fall approaches, all I can think about is leopard...I am woman. Hear me ROAR! And then check out some great outfits with touches of leopard. All perfect for fall!
All images via Pintrest (which is my new obsession so you will be seeing more Pintrest from me in the future!)

Friday, July 15, 2011

a shout from the rooftop

Last weekend, my parents hosted an engagement party for Blake and me. It sure was a fabulous way to kick off the events that will happen between now and the wedding. The turnout was great, just family and close friends. The setting was an evening to night spent on a rooftop on Cherry Street (or 15th Street). The night was filled with great (homemade) appetizers, desserts and drinks. I couldn't have asked for anything better. So hats off to you mom and dad and thank you for a wonderful party. You were superb hosts. Let's do this more often! Oh and I'd like to give a special thanks to Ashley, Luke, Morgan, Evan and Brooke for coming out of town to join us for this special and fun evening.

There are more pictures, but I can't add them all here...that's just overwhelming! Point being...we had a FABULOUS time! And you can check out the Tulsa World engagement announcement (it landed in the paper Sunday after the party--July10, 2011)!

Monday, July 11, 2011

seat change

In an effort to brighten and liven my dining room (and with a limited budget at this point in my life), I started with the chairs. The table, chairs and bakers rack were all given to me by my Grandma Dixie and they are perfect for my space (that is, until I find the most precious refractory or pub table with chairs and have the money to spend!), but after living with the bland browns, tans and whites for almost two years, I needed a change and pop of color. Plans are in the works for other dining room fix-me-ups, but for now I'm starting with the easiest and cheapest project--a seat change!
I was at the fabric store a couple weekends ago and browsed through bolts, swatches, samples and remnants galore. I landed on the perfect color and pattern and just couldn't pass it up. Isn't it stunning?
Not to mention, I've been obsessed with ikat patterns for a while now so I might have just been waiting for the perfect color/pattern combination. The simplicity of this particular pattern and it's orange-red color were perfect for, not only a pop of color, but the zing I was looking to add in my eating space.
I purchased one yard and went about my day. A couple days later, I was anxious to get measuring, cutting, folding, stapling and changing the drab tan fabric and that's when it hit me. I was short fabric. So back to the fabric store I go. Another shot of anxiousness and away we went--with a little help from my mom.
Cut. Fold. Unfold because it's creasing. Fold. Hold. Staple. Repeat.
And WAH-LAH! Makes a big difference, huh?! Until next time...pick your seat and hold on tight.

FYI: My next dining room project is going to be a little more researching and time consuming, but I promise to post when I get started or completed, or both. It's going to be huge, people and I can't wait!

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

morning mixed drink

There is no doubt that summer is here. It's hotter than, well, it's freaking hot in Tulsa. Over the past week we have experienced heat indices in the 100s+. I'm not complaining, really. I would take this over bitter, freezing cold any day, but geez, it's brutal sometimes.

Last summer, I indulged in Starbucks' VIA cold brew coffee almost every morning. But at $5.95 (+tax) 6-pack box, it added up. Not to mention the trips to Starbucks, Java Dave's, Coffee House on Cherry Street (my new favorite!), I would spend $5.00+ per drink and my pocketbook didn't appreciate that whatsoever. I have been missing my coffee fix a little this summer because I just refuse to keep spending money on cold coffee drinks and I sure as heck can't put down a hot drink in 90 degree weather at 8 am.

That is...until this weekend. My mom shared with me the Pioneer Woman's "Perfect Iced Coffee" receipe. Oh my gosh! Mom even went the extra step and bought all the ingredients, prepared it and on Sunday morning, I indulged in what the Pioneer Woman calls "Vietnamese Iced Coffee" and I'm in love. It's just plain old coffee (the stronger the better) and a couple table spoons of sweetened condensed milk. You need to try this and if you don't like that, well you can be old fashioned and splash in some milk or half and half and sugar. Either way, it's delicious, in my fridge, and cold. (Oh and at no cost to least this time.) Now get to cold brewin'!

Thanks to my mom for saving my life this summer and keeping me sane...that is until my pitcher pours it's last drop. Then I'll be back for more. And at least once a week or so, I visit the Coffee House on Cherry Street for my new favorite concoction--Iced Dirty Chai Latte. It's a little chai, a little espresso and lots of deliciousness. Yummy. If you ever visit me or anyone else in Tulsa, you need to go and try it. Genius.

Iced Coffee Lover

Monday, June 20, 2011

birthday wishes for my sis

You're a wonderful young lady with a BIG heart and an even better sister. We have memories to last a lifetime and many more to come. I'm so thankful for you and everything you are to me!
Orange Beach, Alabama 2008

Estes Park, Colorado 2010

I hope your birthday on the golf course is successful as well as the rest of the week. Good luck in the tournament and best wishes for your birthday!

Here's to you...CHEERS!

Oh and guess what?! Chicken butt...

Thursday, June 16, 2011

life unexpected

I forgot my username and dog ate my compter. Uhhh...okay, I lie. But I am back from my unexpected blogging hiatus. Fortunately, everything is perfect in my life, and I haven't been away because of something bad happening. And my hiatus is not due to lack of information, projects, or life. It's just with all the work, wedding planning and somewhat of a social life, I didn't manage to post a blog whatsoever. I will polish my time management skills so this doesn't happen again!
I've also been thinking about the direction I want to take my blog and I'm not sure I have it nailed down, but at least I'm back in action!

Keep your eyes peeled for a view from my porch!

Sunday, February 13, 2011

loving love

Being a newly engaged lady, I have thought about many wedding details - cake, venue, guest list, dinner, drinks, dancing, "i do", something borrowed, old, new and blue. But what happens after the wedding and dreamy honeymoon? Who will do the dishes? Who is going to take on the mountains of laundry? What about the dust bunnies that aggressively reproduce on the baseboards? Is he/she clean? Does he/she notice when something is out of place? Then I started to think about other engaged friends and newlyweds. Have they thought about their fiance or spouse and their habits qualities they bring to the relationship table?
Below are random questions I came up with to test your knowledge on the little things about your significant other. In the end, it's the little things...right? Have fun with it. If you're feeling a little competitive you and your other can fill these out and compare answers to see who gets the most right about each other!

1. How does your other feel about eating in bed?
_____Great! He/She would do it every meal if they could.
_____Only for a "just because" romantic breakfast
_____Too messy to even contemplate
2. What nicknames has your other gone by, from childhood on?
3. Which of your relatives does your other like the best?
_____Sibling: which one?_____________________________
_____Grandparent: which one?_________________________
_____Aunt/Uncle: which one?__________________________
4. Do they have a favorite color? If so, what is it?
5. How does your other get dressed?
_____top to bottom (bra, undershirt, etc)
_____bottom to top (undies/boxers, socks, pants, etc)
6. What artist is playing in your other's car?
7. Is there an athlete, movie/tv star or someone else famous your other would like to meet? Who?
8. How many children does your other want? Any names yet?
9.You bake your other a dessert for their birthday. What is it?
10. Where was your first kiss? Who initiated it?
11. What is your other's shoe size?
12. What was your other's first job?
13. In what city was your other born?
14. How does your other take their eggs?
_____Sunny side up
_____Egg white only
_____Other (is there another way?)

Friday, February 11, 2011

you can find me in St. Louis...

This week my job brought me to St. Louis for the Association of Fraternal Leadership and Values, also known as AFLV. It's a conference for Greek leaders to come and absorb knowledge about leading their Greek communities. This is my first year coming to this conference and I'm having so much fun. I will get to chat with many Kappa Delta's at the affiliation luncheon today and I'm excited about that. Plus, St. Louis is a fun city and we are going to enjoy some fine Italian on "the Hill" tonight. Yummy!

There is no place like home and I look forward to a busy week of work in Tulsa and then a weekend in Dallas with my mom, sister and girlfriends!